OCCI Ontario Council on Community Interpreting
OCCI Works toward a Better Community Interpreting Accreditation Framework
Toronto - June 19, 2014 – After province-wide consultation with the stakeholders who will be directly impacted, the Ontario Council on Community Interpreting (OCCI) is announcing the development of a progressive accreditation process for interpreters working in the community services sectors. OCCI work, which began in Sept 2012, is aligned with that of the Canadian Coalition on Community Interpreting, the national body poised to work with the provincial partners who will be responsible for accrediting and maintaining standards for interpreters in the community services sectors, which include healthcare, legal, social, and community services.
This initiative by OCCI is in response to the need for consistent quality interpretation across all service sectors – a need felt across the country. Limited English/French Proficiency individuals in Canada need access to quality service, in both urban and rural communities; interpreters need professional accreditation that will be recognized and valued in order to better serve the public.
Current OCCI membership includes interpreters/interpreter associations, colleges and training institutions, interpreter service providers, hospitals, court services, and provincial government agencies. Members of the OCCI Committee all draw upon their direct involvement in community interpreting, some since the 1970s, including contributing to the development of the National Standard Guide on Community Interpreting. They share values of equal access to services for individuals in Canada regardless of language and support for the interpreters who are crucial to health and service equity initiatives.
OCCI is unique in its approach in that we include the voice of the communities we support. We have a process that is responsive to emerging ethno-linguistic groups. The OCCI wants to launch a structure that can be applied to the French-speaking Community interpreters as well.
The Ontario Council on Community Interpreting (OCCI) will ensure that we serve our communities with highly qualified interpreters, by taking away the guesswork in terms of quality from the minds of Service Providers and Limited English/French speakers and achieving the common goal of professionalizing the Community Interpreting sector.
For more information, visit our website at: www.occi.ca
News from OCCI
March 1, 2015
This is the inaugural edition of the OCCI News. Thank you for subscribing to stay informed of the the OCCI's work to establish a framework for a standardized accreditation system for Community Interpreters in Ontario.
We want to represent YOU at the next Stakeholders meeting
The next OCCI Stakeholders' Representatives meeting is taking place on March 13th, 2015. Since you have signed up to receive our newsletters, we believe that you have a stake in the future of community interpreting in Ontario. As such, we encourage you to submit your questions, suggestions, and concerns to us so that we, the OCCI Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Committee, can represent your voice at the next meeting. The OCCI is committed to broad stakeholder engagement: we will compile your submissions into a report that will be circulated to the representatives in advance of the meeting and your input will be added to the agenda. Please send your submissions to info@occi.ca by March 5th, 2015.
New dates for LITP info sessions
We have updated our website with dates of upcoming information sessions hosted by two Colleges delivering the LITP (Language Interpretation Training Program) curriculum. Please visit the Testers and Trainers page to see the dates for information sessions hosted by Humber College and Seneca College in the coming months.
News from OCCI
May 25, 2015
You are receiving this message because you have subscribed to OCCI News to stay informed of the the OCCI's work to establish a framework for a standardized accreditation system for Community Interpreters in Ontario.
The OCCI Accreditation Framework is now available for review online
Details of the OCCI Accreditation Framework are now available on our website. Click here to see the document detailing the Pre-requisites/Requirements, Specializations, Continuing education, Grandfathering protocols, Ethical considerations, and Definitions for the accreditation framework.
OCCI to present at the Healthcare Interpretation Network Recruitment Fair - June 2nd, 2015
At this year's HIN Recruitment Fair, interpreters and other community interpretation stakeholders will have the opportunity to hear from both OCCI and ATIO (Association of Translators and Interpreters of Ontario) about the initiatives currently underway to professionalize Ontario's community interpreters. This is a great opportunity to hear the latest news from the two organizations and to take part in the Q&A session afterwards. Admission is free. Please see full details on the HIN website.
We want to represent YOU at the next Stakeholders meeting
The next OCCI Stakeholders' Representatives meeting is taking place on June 18th, 2015. Since you have signed up to receive our newsletters, we believe that you have a stake in the future of community interpreting in Ontario. As such, we encourage you to submit your questions, suggestions, and concerns to us so that we, the OCCI Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Committee, can represent your voice at the next meeting. The OCCI is committed to broad stakeholder engagement: we will compile your submissions into a report that will be circulated to the representatives in advance of the meeting and your input will be added to the agenda. Please send your submissions to info@occi.ca by June 11th, 2015.
News from OCCI
June 25, 2015
You are receiving this message because you have subscribed to OCCI News to stay informed of the OCCI's work to establish a framework for a standardized accreditation system for Community Interpreters in Ontario.
Accreditation for Community Interpreters in Ontario is here!
The title of Accredited Community Interpreter (ACI) will be the credential to look for when hiring an interpreter in the legal, healthcare, social services, education and private sectors.
As of July 1st, 2015, Language Interpreters interested in obtaining the credential of Accredited Community Interpreter (ACI) can start applying. The application process will be administered by the Association of Professional Language Interpreters (APLI) and overseen by OCCI.
Click here to read more and preview the application form.
Click here to download an outline of the accreditation requirements.
We are here to answer any questions you may have about the application process. Please email us at info@occi.ca.
New dates for LITP info sessions
If you are interested in the College certificate Language Interpreter Training Program (LITP), please visit the Testers and Trainers page to learn more and see the dates for information sessions hosted by Humber College and St. Clair College in July and August.